Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer Is Here

The high temperatures have been getting to me this week. I’m usually the one who absolutely loves it when the days get hot, but this year the heat is almost too much. Maybe I’m getting old or something.

The gardens are blooming, but right now they need rain. The little veggie patch is doing good. My makeshift fence is keeping the rabbits out just fine. It may not be pretty but it works. That’s what counts, right?


This birds eye view of the veggie patch was taken from the deck about a week ago. Things have grown some since then.

The squash and tomato's are blooming. We are looking forward to some yummy meals of fresh veggies before much longer.

I spent some time last weekend potting up impatiens for the front patio. They are starting to bloom now, as are the cannas.



The hydrangeas have outdone themselves this year.

303  The camera didn’t capture the brilliance of the blue in this picture, but you can see how full of blooms they are.

My variegated hydrangeas' were not doing well under the oaks. Last Saturday I dug them up and put them in big pots for some TLC.  This fall I’ll replant them in a better location. If I can find one, that is. Maybe in front of the cottage? They might like it there.

If I have learned nothing else gardening here in the shade on a hillside, its that if a plant isn’t happy where you planted it; dig it up and try another spot. The results are amazing.

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely - the heat is opressing this year but hopefully it will end soon.
