Friday, May 28, 2010

Plant Brutality – Pruning Shears Style

Upon walking around Shady Hollow yesterday, I made a decision to do some massive pruning on my Burning Bushes. I already butchered (yes, I meant butchered) two that shaded too much of my vegetable garden. I could almost hear their screams of horror as my clippers and I set to work. Almost. The begging of beans, squash, tomatoes, and cucumbers  for sunlight drowned out the burning bush’s complaints.

Burning Bushes are almost weeds at Shady Hollow, thanks to a massive “granddaddy-of-them-all” down the street. Hungry birds feasting on their fall berries have spread them far and wide.

I like them, and early on transplanted them all over my infant garden. Now they are out of control.  So, one day this weekend I will grab a saw and my trusty pruners and make the circuit of the gardens and trim them way back. I plan on being heartless and cruel and prune them without mercy. I’m sure the hydrangea, butterfly bush, and other small shrubs will leap for joy once the onslaught of pruning provides them with more sun and room to grow.

A couple of years ago I dug a burning bush out of the front flower bed. Last week I pulled out and repotted 45 small off-spring from the location it once occupied. Burning Bush babies were springing up everywhere around where the original bush had grown. I potted them up for my granddaughter, who has not started her garden and needs some pass-along plants from grandma.

That’s just 1 of my long list of gardening chores to do. I’ll fill you in on the others as I tackle or prepared to tackle them as well.

Until then, brightest blessings.

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