Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Flowers

Here are some flower photos taken so far this spring.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Over the past month I have either been busy or under the weather. I finally came to the realization that my 'under the weather' was a flare-up of my RA, and that I would have to treat it as such. I've been taking it easy and am on some meds to (I hope) make some of the symptoms go away.

I think between work, sick cats, politics, and the general state of everything I stressed myself into this flare-up. Oh well… my world won't end. I just have to baby myself a little bit and get over it.

In the meantime, the gardens are looking better, with daffodils in bloom….I promise to get some pictures up real soon. My walks around Shady Hollow now are full of excitement for I am spotting new and returning life everywhere.

After the harshness of this winter, I expected to lose a few plants here and there. Much to my surprise, the very plants I was certain wouldn't survive have started putting out new buds. It may be a beautiful spring and summer around the cottage after all.

One thing is certain, I have lots to do. I just have to rein myself in for another week or so until I whip this little physical setback.

I'll keep you guys posted and will be posting pictures over the weekend. In the meantime, be blessed.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taking Stock

I spent some time yesterday checking out the gardens to see what might be taking place as spring approaches.

The crocus are blooming their little hearts out. (I have pictures to upload later.) One daffodil was in bloom, with others sure to be open today. There should be some flowering quince blossoms open today and the flowering magnolia buds are showing some color.

It was the worst winter we've had since moving to Shady Hollow. I expected to have more damage to the plants. So far it seems that they, like us, managed to weather the cold and the snow without much damage.

The stump I turned into a bottle tree last year has deteriorated to the point of no return. I am going to remove the bottles and cut it off at ground level. There is another tree stump in the back garden that can be the new bottle tree. I also have more bottles to decorate with. Once it is transformed into a new and improved bottle tree I'll post some pictures. It is near the fairies favorite haunts and I'm sure they will be pleased.

The biggest thing right now is cleaning up the residue left by fall and winter. Once that is done I can get down to the important part: playing in the dirt.

Be blessed.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Warmer Weather

Finally! It is supposed to get warmer. I just checked the Weather Channel and the forecast for this week is wet…but wet due to rain. Highs are predicted to be in the 50's and the lows in the 40's. Maybe, just maybe the wet stuff will be rain this time. Maybe the snow-every-week cycle will be broken.

I discovered three crocuses in bloom yesterday. The flowering quince has buds showing red, within days of opening. Two sure-fired signs of spring for me. My husband reported sighting a small group of Canadian Geese doing a fly-by of the pond. Oh, and the daffodils are up and budding.

Most of us "old timers" think we will have at least one more snowfall. None of us are predicting how deep or if it will lay. Even so, it looks like spring may be considering making an appearance.

There's plenty to do here when spring does finally arrive. I admit that I did a very poor job of yard and garden clean-up last fall. That only means more work to do this spring, but I get more excited about yard work when things are starting to grow.

It has been a long hard winter. It is time for spring and the renewal it brings. I'm ready, aren't you?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a Winter!

It snowed yesterday, and once again the weather service estimates were wrong. Our local paper reports we received 9 inches of the white stuff. The prediction was for 3 inches. So far this winter, we have watched almost 3 feet of snow fall.

Lucky for me, I was able to get my driveway plowed and our street was plowed this morning. There are some benefits to living on a school bus route, even without children. I'll get to go to work this afternoon, a good thing.

We don't normally get but one or two snows in a season that amount to more than a dusting. Warm temperatures usually melt them away within a day or two. This year snow has been on the ground in places since December. I (and almost everyone else) am sick of it. If we wanted this kind of winter we'd move to Maine!

The forecast calls for warmer temperatures by the weekend; so maybe, just maybe some of this stuff will melt. I hope so.

I spent my snow day taking a few more snow pictures and doing some chores around the house. I no longer get a thrill from standing in the window and watching it fall.

The last time this much snow fell in our area was in 1960. I was 9 years old and the memory of that winter has always stayed with me. That was 50 years ago. I don't know about you, but I hope Mother Nature decides to wait another 50 years before doing this again. Maybe if Al Gore will just sit down and shut up she won't feel such a need to prove him wrong.

Be Blessed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh No! More Snow!

I just checked the Weather Channel website for Western North Carolina. Here we go again.

My heart goes out to the folks up north who have received feet of snow in the past few weeks. However, several inches of heavy snow can create the same havoc here. We just don't do snow very well. At least I don't.

Let's see, I went to the grocery store Saturday, so have plenty of milk and bread. Maybe I can get by without a last minute dash to the store.

If we do get the snow, I have plenty to do (if I do it). I bought seeds over the weekend for tomatoes, chives, peppers, and a few others to start in the plant room. This should be extremely interesting, as the plant room is currently doubling as a quarantine room for a sick stray cat we have adopted. You can read about him here.

So, depending on my mood, I may start some seeds tomorrow if I'm snowed in. I know Ten will enjoy having me with him for an extra amount of time. I'm also sure he will "help" me plant the seeds as well.

Or, I may just read. I have accumulated an enormous amount of books to read over the winter and have only read part way in several. So many good books and so little time!

Whatever I do with the down time, I will be praying this is the last snow of this seemingly never-ending winter.

Be Blessed!