Monday, August 9, 2010

Frog Encounter

My cannas were attacked by an insect that made it’s home on their leaves by winding a fine strand of silk around them before they opened. The caterpillar then lived inside the tube it had created, eating the leaves and finally making a cocoon. I have no idea what this insect is. I was mainly concerned with breaking the silken threads and letting the leaves unfurl.

As I neared completion, one remaining leaf needed my help, even though it had almost freed itself from silken bondage.

Imagine my surprise when I broke the remaining thread and found a little frog inside, hiding under the curl of the leaf.

Cannon 077

I guess it was a tree frog of some kind. I know it was tiny, and camera shy. I had to do some acrobatics that were downright dangerous to get a picture.

It didn’t stay long after I exposed its shady nook to the sun, but I’m sure its still in the garden, somewhere.

Be Blessed.

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