A walk around the gardens reveals numerous signs of spring. Crocus are up and blooming. Daffodils are up with their buds at the ready. The hazel nut bushes around the perimeter are blooming. Buds are swelling on countless other shrubs as they count down the days before bursting forth.
I’m planning the gardens for 2011. Which vegetables will I grow this year? What type of tomatoes, squash, and other vegetables do I want to try? Which flowers will go where in the ever changing tapestry of flower beds and containers? Where will I put the canna bulbs I overwintered in the basement? What unhappy plants will I move to better locations?
Each year the gardens are a canvas blank except for the perennials that create the background. The brush strokes I add change each year. That is the intent: that Shady Hollow is different each year with new discoveries around each corner.
Spring is almost here. I can hardly wait!