I’m beginning to think that if I make it through 2012 sane I will have accomplished a miracle.
It began with a car breakdown. It continued with the demise of my dryer. The last element of surprise was a water leak under the dishwasher that went undetected for weeks.
Throw a few terminally ill cats into the mix. Oh, and don’t forget increased demands for additional work hours from my employer.
Drip, Drip, Drip
The water leak ended up doing severe damage to my kitchen and dining room floors. I have them tentatively scheduled for repair late this week. The upside to this disaster is that we are going to go ahead and remodel the kitchen/dining room.
I’ve dreamed of doing this remodel for years. I just kept putting it off till later. The elimination of a very small galley kitchen into a more spacious open design will be a blessing to my husband who has difficulty maneuvering his wheelchair in the current small space. The additional storage will cut down on clutter and make preparing meals much easier for me.
It’s the disruption I dread. This is no small undertaking. It will be the biggest adventure yet at Shady Hollow.
Oh, my contractor? Why, its my youngest son. He is a brick/rock mason and does other construction as well, so we know we are in good hands. I’ll have a good showpiece of his masonry skills in the ceramic tile floor and countertop he is going to install for me.
I thank God I have a son who is able and willing to help us out. It’s a true blessing.
Maybe, just maybe I will stay sane this year.
Good to see you again.