October is generally a happy time at Shady Hollow. Most years we spend time getting ready for the winter months; planting trees and shrubs, bringing in plants, digging bulbs to store for next spring.
My husband’s birthday is in late October and early in the month my thoughts were on planning a birthday party for him. The plans haven’t been made and nothing mentioned above has been done.
The month started out with a not-so-good doctor visit in which it was discovered that my husband’s cardiac health has deteriorated. OK, we can deal with that.
That same day one of our cats became ill and died a few days later. Our vet did all he could to save her, but it was not to be. Within a week our oldest cat also fell ill and we learned she has intestinal cancer and is on borrowed time.
So I haven’t even visited this site, haven’t done the usual autumn chores, haven’t done much of anything.
Maybe November will be better.